About Me

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I'm very friendly and open minded :)I like Shopping, watching movies and make up :)

Sunday 15 July 2012

A great Sunday ^_^

Ice- Cream at Devon House 
Eggplant Tempura 
Mini Hand made Hand roll 

Made Sushi today 
Hey Everyone! So I thought i would share whats been going on this weekend! Well today was Sunday... But its past Midnight so I guess its Monday now.... So I will just put this as a Sunday blog. It started with going to Pricesmart with Andrew (bf) and his sister :) and then we went to Devon house for my favorite ice cream! But Sadly it dropped :'( So I decided to buy a waffle cone instead.. So big though.. I love Coconut flavor ice cream at Devon house. But the problem is... I can never finish it off. So Andrew and his sister took some massive bites to help me finish it off. ^_^ Also I finally bought a Bath and Body fragrance. Because I have been wanting to start wearing body mists. So when we went back to his house. We ( Andrew sister and I ) got ready to make some yummy eggplant tempura! Cause I loooooooove Eggplant. Sadly Andrew doesn't like eggplant. So more for us! Yum! But we didn't leave him to starve. We cooked fish fillets to make sushi for him. In the middle of it.. I decided to make a mini hand roll which was awesome! I have always wanted to have a hand roll but I wish it was with raw salmon. But its okay, the next time I will order it at dinner :) So updates on this week.. Since I haven't had time to update. Most of my updates are actually on my make up blogs... hahaha. Lets start off with I finally received my contacts after six long weeks of waiting... Finally and it has been quite difficult. Because I'm not used to them.. But I will get used to them soon. Also I finally got m y Bundle Monster package... (Most of these updates are on my make up blog.. Which I will post at the bottom. Most of my Beauty blogs contains pics.. :) Otherwise I had a great day. wow its so late... I should get ready for bed... 

Check out the posts in my beauty blog page : 

Livy C 

Thursday 12 July 2012

Panda Baby Miscarriage :(

Hey Everyone!
So I'm pretty tired today... I had a pretty awesome day today... My bf (Andrew) decided to surprise me during his lunch time for a hug and kiss...  I swear some of the little things he does.... just makes me feel like its so surreal! Sometimes I wonder if its because the relationship is so new that I can't see how it can't work out.. Oh also today my dad found 428 tokens for slot machines... and heres the thing... I found out each of those coins are worth $1 USD each so I get $428 USD! thats so great because it helps me pay for my trip to Orlando.. Or so I thought.. So I asked my friend about it and he says not everyone cashes out those tokens only specific ones... Which is a big issue... So I have to be going to Casino after Casino to find out where they came from.. Also I realized today that I really want a Zuca bag! I really really want one but the problem is I dont exactly have make up jobs... If i did then it'd make sense than paying $300 USD for it... Although I have to admit its pretty awesome... I would buy it IF i see it in Orlando.. Use it as my carry on :) with all my make up and etc :) I wish I could buy it! I really do :( I'm super sleepy today.. I decided to cleanse out my system drinking about 1.5 litres of water per day... to cleanse out all the bad stuff and help my face to clear up :) Almost weekend! Yes!!! FINALLY! I found out my precious Panda baby (my cat) had a miscarriage today :( I was so sad to hear the news when I woke up :( It would have been her first batch of kittens too! So depressing... I'm so sleepy right now... I'm so determined to write a blog every night before bed...  I'll write more exciting things tomorrow :) 

Livy C

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Thoughts for the Future..........

Hey Everyone, 
So After making it completely official on Facebook... we realized there was no more reason to hide our relationship anymore... But then we decided to think of our future... Would we get married? How much kids do we wanna have? DO we even want kids? There's so many questions left unanswered... Where will we live? Are we financially stable? These questions have been amok in our head today.... As Much as I would love to get married and have kids... I question if we could financially support one....All the luxury meals we eat would no longer exist. All our plans of travelling cease to exist and last but not least... We are bound to be cut from being completely social... You probably think we are nuts... to be thinking these things already in 3 months right... Well because my parents knew each other for 3 years before they started dating... And they only dated for 3 - 4 months before they got married.. My mom was 21 and my dad was 28... My mum already had my sister before she turned 24.  I am 24 now... Currently in a relationship with a guy I've have a hate and love friendship with for 6 years... and started dating 3 months ago.... I probably am nuts... But Things changes... Feelings change............ But why do I feel so underachieved because I haven't gotten engaged or married yet... My Sister got married when she was 21 or 22... And I'm 24 now and no where close it seems... Maybe its just me and its all in my head... But I guess because I feel like... I haven't done everything I wanted to do... or accomplished my entire bucket list before I turned 30... I feel disappointed in myself... So I compare myself with my mom and sister... My happiness is bound to come soon I hope.. 
But Just take a deep breath.... and start taking one step at a time ^_^

Livy C

You could follow my Beauty blog on all my hauls and reviews 

Follow me please ^_^

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Relationship Just went Facebook Official

Hello Friends, 
Okay So I just found out that it seems to make any relationship "OFFICIAL" It had to be posted on facebook as your relationship status... which I find it hilarious because its like making it extremely public for your friends and family to know... Although I was completely fine with just my closest friends and Family knowing... But its past 3 months we decided to make it completely official for everyone else to know... so of course we put it up on facebook... messages came in.. comments came in and likes came in... Who knew everyone would be so accepting even though they don't know me... (on his side) . I couldn't upload a proper picture with him because he doesn't like taking pictures... which sucks... Oh well,  Anyways Today was one of those nights I had for myself :) So I decided to do something I haven't done in a long time...  I decided to try on my make up... its been a while... I feel like I'm getting dusty with it... 
Currently :I'm webcaming with my boyfriend who seems to be ignoring me for a youtube show. 
*Sigh* We have been thinking and planning out a trip to go together to Disney world! Which I hope we can go to! sometime this summer... I need to buy my new laptop in Orlando as well... So much plans and wishes to come true... but just no funds to maintain it... So depressing... Nothing else really happened today :( So I guess thats the end of my blog for today :) 

Livy C

You could read on my reviews and hauls blogs on my beauty blog 
Follow me please :)

Monday 9 July 2012

A day full of surprises

Today was quite interesting... I've been feeling sick on and off these last 24 hours... Not quite sure... So today at work... my boyfriend sister decided to surprise visit me :) Which is pretty awesome except I was feeling sick.... I had no appetite at all... So I ended up taking a nap.... Only to wake up to see another surprise.... My boyfriend and his sister decided to come visit me at work :) Lots of surprises... :) It was going great except for my splitting migraine today so I tried to finish work super early today... I was waiting and waiting for my boyfriend to try surprise me after work... Was pretty sad that he didn't come over... So I sat moping on the way home... only to see his car at my house ^_^ Which surprised me and put a smile on my face ^_^ Then we decided to go out to Megamart to buy a few groceries...  And we just played around and talked for a while... it was a great ending to a normally boring day... Sadly I still have my migraine... I noticed when I'm happy I don't feel it.... So odd.... Such a short blog for the day.... But I have such a migraine and I'm expected to Webcam with the boyfriend in a few mins... 
Goodnight Everyone! Sweet Dreams 

Livy C  

Sunday 8 July 2012

(8) Getting to know you, Getting to know all about you (8) (Q&A)

Wow! Super duper excited! I haven't really been in the blogging world in ages... I think the last one I used to use was Xanga.. (I think that is the website) that was years ago... Last year or so I created another blog thats connecting on this which basically is reviews on products (make up and skin care) you can check that out too! ^_^ 
So lets start off on a great foot! With some Q&A ^_^ 

Q:Why did I start blogging? 
A: I used to be really into writing in High School (used to write short stories and journal enteries) and I tried vlogging but I just don't have the time or energy to yet... Waiting to get my new laptop to start really editing videos for my vlog ^_^

Q: Whats your name?
A: My name is actually Olivia. but I never liked it on 2 reasons 
1) It doesn't fit me 
2) My Mother over uses it 

Q:What are your hobbies? 
A: Well I love reading, watching movies , Make up and decorating. Also have this knack to constantly write lists for everything (basically organizing) not quite sure if its a hobby or OCD 

Q: How tall are you? (my brother asked me this) 
A: LOL I'm 5 '4 (quite short but thats what my fabulous collection of heels are for)

Q: If you were to go to rehab... what would it be for? 
A: Shopping and Make up lol... I obsess over these... and quite have a collection... oh and shoes! 
I know its not quite an addiction but I think it is 

Q: How friendly are you?: 
A: I'm not gonna lie... I can be the nicest person or friendliest person you meet... but first impressions make a huge impression to me on the person you are... So its more on your attitude towards me that determines my attitude and personality towards you 

Q: Are you currently Single?
A: ^_^ I'm not ^_^ I've been in a relationship for a little over 3 months now ^_^  

Q: What Kind of music do you listen to? 
A: It depends if I consider it music... But these couple weeks I have been listening to alot of Adele and Kpop 

Q: How old are you?
A: I just turned 24 recently... (getting older every day) 

Q: Do you prefer cats or dogs?
A: I absolutely love both! but Cats shed alot more than dogs... which is not cool... cause it makes me sneeze sometimes 

Q: What is your guilty pleasure?
A : Dark Chocolate! ( I hardly eat it) But my guilty pleasure if it could be called that is Travelling ( I try to fly out once a year) 

Q: Which Country are born and Raised? 
A: I currently Live in Jamaica... Was Born here... :) 

Q: Do you wear glasses?
A: :) Yup I do wear glasses... I'm near sighted ^_^ 

So I hope this answers all my personal Questions you have towards me ^_^  And we get off on a great start! ^_^  (Also the title of the blog is coming from the song in The King and I) 
